Tag Archive for: Hip Replacement

Patrick chose RHNA for his recovery following a hip replacement

Patrick Conley describes his life as an “unconventional, nonconforming, entrepreneurial life.”

Patrick has an affinity for the vast landscapes of Arizona, which underlines much of his life. For many years, he has shared his knowledge of the various rock formations of the Grand Canyon, Marble Canyon, and other areas of the state. Since 1969, Patrick has been a river guide on the Colorado River and led expeditions as a wilderness outfitter. His wide-ranging knowledge of the land has even led Patrick to assist with scouting beautiful, scenic locations for Hollywood movies filmed in the state.

Perhaps most significantly, though, is Patrick’s non-profit work, including being one of the founders of Grand Canyon Youth. “Giving back is what life is all about and brings so much joy,” he humbly stated.

However, health issues have recently slowed Patrick’s active lifestyle. He recalls having difficulty walking a couple of years ago, the result of his right hip being “bone on bone.” During a river trip on the San Juan River, Patrick struggled mightily. “I basically had to roll on and off the boat due to my hip. It was so disabling,” he recalled.

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